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College World Series Displays Excitement, Passion: Deserves More Respect

Published by on June 24, 2009

It sure is a shame that college baseball doesn’t attract more attention.


Most would consider March Madness more entertaining than the NBA Finals, and fans plan their holidays around each year’s college football bowl games.


But the College World Series comes and passes with only the diehard baseball fans taking notice.


As the CWS comes to a close tonight, I am saddened by its passing. See, the student-athletes competing at Rosenblatt Stadium isn’t an everyday-site.


They show enthusiasm. They play with passion. They play with heart.


The defense is ready with each pitch and each batter hustles to each base.


In the dugout, players hang over the railing, eye black smeared and jerseys dirty, engaged with each pitch.


Late in the innings, s...

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